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By accessing the website, you are agreeing to be bound by these terms of service, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law. Permission is granted to download materials (information) on SDS2.0's portal for non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not: modify or copy the materials; use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display; attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on SDS2.0's website; remove any copyright or proprietary notations from the materials; or transfer the materials to another person or mirror the materials on any other server.What is SDS 2.0?
Smart Digital Systems (SDS) 2.0, operational since Sep 2022, is a key digitalisation initiative for ST Engineering to provide better MRO services and experiences to its customers. Customers can easily access timely updates and accurate information of their requested maintenance services. Customers benefit from improved overall system availability through the application of data analytics.
How we started?
Driven by the desire to improve the current state of MRO services and customers' experience, ST Engineering embarked on its digital transformation journey. The first step was to look into digitalisation of our processes such that data could easily be collected automatically, processed and analaysed to achieve optimisation. Powered by data analytics, ST Engineering will transform the business.
Our Users
Providing Customers Easy Direct Access to Services
Equip Engineers with Knowledge to Improve Job Efficiency
Autonomy for Managers to Optimise Resource Allocation